Thursday, December 2, 2010

We've Moved

Ok, technically I guess "I've moved" would be a more appropriate title. No, I haven't left my family to run off and join the circus. We finally moved into our new building at work! I'll admit that the whole moving thing has made my life even crazier than normal--This was a good reminder of why I never want to move again!

Then there was the fact that campus was shut down last week right before Thanksgiving for the Blizzard of 2010 (which never arrived, just in case you were wondering :) Anyway, here are some pics that I borrowed from a recent Deseret News article about our new diggs...

And just in case you're wondering whats MY favorite thing about the new building? I have a window. OK, windows to be exact. One whole wall of them. Here's a pic of me hard at work....

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